Our client came to us with almost no online presence.
The had recently paid a marketing company a substantial amount of money to build an online marketing system.
They promised to build a website, a marketing funnel, and manage advertising to drive tons of leads into their business.
90 days later, they had to let them go.
The website they setup looked terrible and was actually “broken”.

A Common Problem With Hiring Mediocre Agencies
This old agency made the same mistake many others make. They setup ad campaigns that were sloppily designed to drive as many leads as possible for as cheaply as possible. And even though they averaged very cheap leads, the QUALITY of these leads was incredibly bad.
The issue here was that because the business requires a physical phone sales team in order to turn a prospect into a buyer, the sales team was spending all their time on the phone with people that were not qualified for their services. Wasting time and money!
The situation was so bad in fact that the people getting on the phone with these leads felt that it wasn’t even worth their time taking the calls.
Introducing Neuro Media
This is where we come in.
We were hired to first do a deep dive analysis of the entire business. The goal of which was to create an ultimate marketing strategy which they could follow in the coming months to grow their business revenue exponentially.
The information revealed in the strategy we provided them is confidential so we won’t get too much into the details. But we put them through our proprietary process that is 100% customized to each individual client, their business, their prospects, their offer, and their competitors - involving 2-4 weeks of preparation to put together.
Here’s part of what’s involved in the process...
We Identify The Businesses Core Problems And Find Solutions By:
Studying The Competition In Their Market
Analyzing All Data That The Business Has Accumulated
Looking At What’s Already Worked In Similar Markets
The end result is the layout of a well thought out marketing system intelligently designed for their specific business.
Once our client reviewed the strategy we agreed to proceed on it’s implementation.
The first stage was to build out a new online marketing system they could use to start driving HIGH QUALITY leads into the business ASAP.
The sales team was on standby, ready and waiting for a surge of calls.
Here’s what we did:
1) We built a 4 part sales funnel, and created 2 variations targeting different audiences
This included an initial optin, which led to an application, then leading to a calendar booking page, which once submitted, would lead to the final confirmation page
It doesn’t sound fancy on the surface.
But we custom built this thing into a MACHINE that functioned seamlessly with the backend sales system to drive the highest quality leads in real time to our sales team.
This is a system that we are experts at building in various niches...
But I want to explain exactly why it functioned so differently to how the last company drove their leads...
You see, the truth is, MOST sales teams are built up of B and C level salesmen. They do okay… but they can easily fall victim to any one of the cliche mental pitfalls that can make their sales plummet.
It’s near impossible to keep each individual salesperson in the right “state” to operate effectively all the time without them consciously doing it themselves, but where we can, we like to put them in the best possible position to win each day.
The mental pitfall that applies to what we’re talking about here is the tendency to “think that every lead is garbage” after having too many calls in a row with unqualified leads.
Everyone in sales knows what starts to happen.
The salesperson gets negative, their energy levels drop, and they begin to start every call expecting the worst.
As a result they start treating good leads like bad leads and end up turning away a lot of business.
We wanted to eradicate that issue by making sure that every single call our team was taking, was with a QUALIFIED lead that desires their service & was CAPABLE of turning into a close deal!
So how did we do it?
Our “secret” ingredient was to use a disqualifying process within the application to book a call.
If users did not meet our qualification measures, they’d never make it to the calendar booking page.
This alone was a game-changer. Suddenly we were turning away all the unqualified people that the other marketing company was bombarding the closers with… and instead sending a smaller number of primed, high quality leads into the calls.
This took out the 70%+ of calls that were discouraging our clients sales team and ruining the rest of the calls.
It also tripled the effectiveness of our closers, since now they were only speaking to the very best leads that were the MOST likely to turn into deals.
2. We setup a special form software for the application
This is all part of the manual tech work we did. Basically, we set up a form process that allowed the data from the application a qualified prospect submitted to be sent directly into our sales teams lead flow in real time.
Every detail that we had on the prospect was sent to one central location. From the questions that the user filled out on the application, their contact details, name, appointment time and even their timezone.
This way, they knew who the prospect was, and the answers to important questions we’d asked within the application BEFORE getting on the call, without having to go searching for it.
3. We built out a complete calendar system
This was setup so that multiple closers could automatically get booked on their own schedules 24/7. Anytime you have more than 1 closer taking calls, a simple calendly setup is no longer viable. And the more closers you have, the more complicated it is to setup something based on each closers availability, and directing calls to each one correctly.
This was all accomplished and integrated directly with the form above. Our closers would simply update their availability in their personal calendars each day and the system would know when they could take calls and avoid booking calls for times they’ve shown they aren’t available.
The fact that the closers could adjust their availability in their own Google Calendars meant that they wouldn’t have to login to the booking software to adjust availability, meaning that if they made a mistake, it only affected themselves and they didn’t break the booking pages of every other salesperson on the team.
4. We helped setup & optimize their sales management processes
Having a ton of leads come in and going to various closers is a complex process. We helped them build systems and workflows that allowed closers to be individually tracked and managed.
This meant that if a closer was having a bad day or week, we could find out and help address the problem before it went on too long.
We also had to monitor where deals were at throughout the buying process, since it requires more than 1 call to get all the details required to close a deal. In fact, we were monitoring anywhere from 3-5 contact points at any given time in the sales cycle, so it was important that we had our systems figured out.
Our client insisted on keeping their sales team in Asana, and although it isn’t built to manage leads specifically like a CRM - It did the job well enough that we could work with it along with some other advanced software that allowed us to keep track of our data points.
Our client ended up with a sophisticated backend system that we would argue couldn’t be replicated by 95% of agencies out there today.

5. We setup and launched the advertising on Facebook
As experts of Facebook advertising, we were able to setup campaigns that started performing extremely well right out of the gate.
Creating the ads, writing the copy, and following all the guidelines is just a part of the process. It also required us to have a deep understanding of the audience our client was looking to go after and develop high level targeting strategies in order to reach them.
Initially we gave our client an estimate that calls would be in the $100 - $200 range, and they were happy with that number, because again these calls were going to be extremely QUALIFIED calls.
We estimated ahead of time based on the average commission for their service being worth around $8,000, that these calls would easily be worth $500 to $1000 each if handled properly by the sales team.
Everyone was excited, we finished our built out and we set the campaigns live.
Here’s the campaign results from the first 4 weeks:

Advertising spend was just over $19,000.
Average cost per lead was slightly above $6.
We drove over 2,500 total leads.
We generated 202 qualified applications of prospects actively looking for funding (under $100).
We also generated an additional 45 brokers that were interested in becoming affiliates, driving referrals to the business.
These brokers have the potential to send 10-100+ leads into the business a year, each. Meaning they are extremely valuable.
When all is said and done, the campaign got over 240 qualified calls scheduled at around $80 per call.
We went above and beyond the expectations we set for our client, and showed everyone the potential of what we had just built for them!
We were generating calls for less than $100 that were worth $500-1000!
Here’s a testimonial we received from our client after the first few weeks...

One important thing to note above (besides the immediate $100,000 in revenue), is the email lists being created at multiple stages of the funnel.
Our client now has over 2,500 people on his list, separated into sub-lists, from this initial month of advertising. People they can continue marketing to over time, that are already interested in what they have to offer.
There are going to be many people currently on the edge of qualifying for our clients offer that in just a few months time will be ready and “qualified” to take them up on their offer.
As you can see our early results were phenomenal… there was only ONE thing stopping us from immediately scaling this thing through the roof.
Our Advertising Was So Good We Broke Their Systems!
Over the course of the 4 weeks, Our client had to ask us to turn off advertising because his backend systems and team were not ready or able to handle the volume.
Like we already said, Asana isn’t built to manage leads, it’s a project management platform… so when we turned our live campaigns on and calls started flooding in, the sales team quickly became overwhelmed with the amount of lead management that was involved with this much call volume.
They quickly started looking for CRM solutions as we initially advised them to fill the hole.
Can you imagine that for a moment?
Having so many sales calls booked in that you literally outgrow the platform you’re on...
It wasn’t hard to see how this “simple” marketing system would be worth MILLIONS of dollars in the long term…
And it didn’t take long…
90 days later we got a message from our client that proved everything we had been thinking...
The message we received from our client confirmed that the system we had set up had already produced over $1mil worth of lead flow into their business just 90 days after setting it up.
Here's the email we received from our excited client that day

We also received this second email a few days later after replying

And here's a photo onstage of accepting the 7 figure award at Funnel Hacking Live 2020...

How We Generated 7 Figures In Deal Flow For A Lending Company, In Less Than 3 Months

Imagine Us Doing This For YOU…
We’re searching for our next DREAM clients…
But we’re very picky about who we accept these days…
If you want to work with us, here’s what you have to do:
Click The Button Below That Says “Apply To Work With Neuro Media”
You’ll be asked to submit an application (go figure, right? lol) and share some important details about your business before we can consider partnering with you.
If you’re willing to put in the work like our client did, already have proven results and have a great offer that you want to get out there, we know that we can help you scale your business.
We just ask that you tell us about your business and yourself first.
When you create multi-million dollar businesses, you get a lot of people asking for your help, but most of those people simply aren’t ready for our level of growth.
So do us a small favor.
Fill out the short application, and be honest.
If we think you have the potential to grow rapidly and make the most of our marketing expertise, we’ll jump on a quick call with you.
One more request:
We love sharing success stories like our clients. Going from virtually no online presence to generating over a million dollars worth of lead flow in under 3 months...
So if you do become one of our clients, we simply ask that you let us share your success story, too.
Fill out the application below to get started.
Yes! I Want To Apply To Work With Neuro Media!